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Mrs. Leavins

My name is Danielle Leavins and I am excited to be teaching third grade again this year! I have experience teaching second and third grade at Terra Vista. I am looking forward to a wonderful year at Terra Vista.

I received my Bachelors degree, Teaching Credential, and Masters from Azusa Pacific University. I grew up in the Rancho Cucamonga area. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my husband, twin girls, and dog.

Mrs. Kroner

My name is Christy Kroner and I am looking forward to being your 3rd grade teacher this year! This is my 16th year teaching in the Etiwanda School District. I have taught 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades in my time at Terra Vista. I am looking forward to a wonderful year working with you and your children.

I received my Bachelors degree, Teaching Credential, and Masters from Cal Poly Pomona. I grew up in the Upland/Rancho Cucamonga area. In my free time I love spending time with husband and twin boys.

Our Classroom Mission
Our classroom mission is that we will foster a welcoming learning environment by setting goals, doing our very best, and respecting our self and others.


For additional school-wide announcements and events, please click here and scroll down to view events and announcements. 

Tutorial videos on how to use and access Aeries

Accessing the Student Grades on the Aeries Parent Portal

Signing up for weekly email grade update:

Upcoming Events

Every Monday is a Minimum Day with 1:15 PM dismissal

PE is every Tuesday/Thursday. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes and do not forget your water!

Spirit Day is every Friday!
Wear your Timberwolf Shirt or Navy/Gray.

January Events:
- Month of Growth Mindset

-Winter break January 1st - 6th

-After school Coding 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30

-1/14 - 5:30 PM Science Fair Night for 4th & 5th Grade

-1/15- Family Night Out - Monaco's

-No School 1/20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

-No School 1/31 - Teacher in Service Day

Homework Assignments & Learning

PRS Quizlet!

Many English words are formed by combining basic words (root words) with prefixes, and suffixes. Prefixes are added to the beginning (pre) of the word, and suffixes are added to the ending of the word. These combinations of words make new words. Being able to identify the prefix, suffix, and root word can assist a reader to understand the meaning of that word. This is a useful skill to foster reading growth in our students! 

Online Learning Resources & Useful Links

Scholastic Book Orders

  • You can order books at anytime!

  • Go to Scholastic and use our class QR code.

By placing an order on Scholastic you are helping us earn books for our classroom library! Thank you!

Wish List

Here are a few items we always need and appreciate in the classroom. Thanks!

  • Headphones/ear buds

  • Black Expo Markers

  • HP Ink Jet #61 black and color 

  • #2 pencils 

  • White board erasers

  • Card stock

  • Treasure box items from dollar store

  • 24 count crayons 

  • Stamp pads/ink

  • Wide Rule Spiral Notebooks

  • Wide Rule Composition Notebooks

  • Boxes of Tissues 

    *Donations are greatly appreciated, but not required. Students are provided with all necessary items.